The WEA connects executives to build lasting relationships, develop leaders, and grow revenue.

Grow revenue through strategic relationships

Washington Executive Association members understand that extraordinary connections and lasting relationships lead to revenue growth. As a group of elite executives and business owners, we use peer connections to expand personal networks and provide one another an increased opportunity for new business opportunities.

WEA has generated a dozen new recruiting clients for me.

Stephanie EberhartTalentRemedy

One referral generated $643K in services revenue from a single business over the last seven years.

Joseph MigliozziM3 Technology Consultants

I closed a 200K marketing consulting engagement last year thanks to a referral a fellow WEA member.

John SchultzNetStrategies

The Washington Executives Association has been a goldmine for me. I’ve made connections that have had a significant impact on my company’s revenue.

Russ RowzieTrimark Corporation

I was referred to a government contractor and my bank secured a $9M line of credit and $3M SBA loan for them.

Andrew KalinAtlantic Union Bank

Grow your business through executive connections, referrals, and professional development

Grow Revenue

Through extraordinary connections and lasting relationships

Expand Your Network

We are elite executives and business owners who attend by invitation only

Special Events

Our events attract business leaders and help members make new connections

Industry and market insights from the area's top minds

November 5, 2020

Rebuild VA Grant Opens to More Businesses

Rebuild! VA Grant Fund On October 28th, Governor Ralph Northam announced that Rebuild VA, a grant program for small businesses and nonprofits impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, was expanding it’s…
December 10, 2020

Develop Process to Reduce Dependence

How Strong is Your Documentation Process?   Want to know how Aater Suleman and his partner, founders of IT services company Flux7, transformed their business from “two guys with laptops” who’d…
November 12, 2020

Automated Control Systems: Only As Smart As You Make Them

Here's what you need to know about automated controls  A building automation system can make an HVAC system eco-friendly, more user-friendly, and less expensive to maintain. But, if the system…
November 5, 2020

The B2B Marketing Playbook

8 Steps to Drive Growth The B2B marketing landscape is more complex than ever. Dramatic changes in buyers’ behaviors, digitally disruptive business models, and the rapid evolution of technology has…